You can read some of the following schools' announcements without logging in:



What is Wilma?

Wilma is Omnia’s study administration system for students, teachers and guardians. In Wilma students plan their studies, choose their courses, access evaluations and credits, report absence, read announcements and communicate with teachers. Teachers plan and evaluate studies, register credits and absences and communicate with students and parents. Guardians access study credits of their children (or other dependants), monitor and report absence, communicate with teachers and read messages and announcements from the school. Workplace instructors monitor and report the progress of their students and communicate with teachers. The management utilizes processed information for planning the studies and curricula and reporting statistics. Wilma is also the user interface for the teaching facility and meeting room reservations, used by Omnia’s staff.

Students and teachers: Problems with login? Change and renew the password at OmaOmnia

Guardian: Creating credentials by means of authentication

Wilma instructions in English

Ilmonet for the liberal adult education (Espoon työväenopisto in Finnish)

Ilmonet for the liberal adult education prevail as separate information systems Ilmonet.

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